Message from the President
CIF San Diego Section Approved Volleyball Tournaments
NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes for 2024-2025
2024-2025 Points of Emphasis
- Ball Handling
- Scoring Best Practices
- Host Management Best Practices
All of the ZOOM links and Addresses and Meeting Times/Locations are available on the Calendar Below.
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Varsity Referee $88
Varsity Umpire $78
Below Varsity Referee $59
Below Varsity Umpire $54
_[+$20 if no R2]_
If a dual official crew has a single official “no show” – the other official receives base pay + 50% of the match worked solo
Travel fees based on Mileage
Round-Trip distance
$13 (51-71 miles)
$19 (76-125 miles)
$31 (126-175 miles)
$43 (176-250 miles)
$55 (251-350 miles)
*Additional $20 fee is added when you work the match alone (not including tournaments, $10 for 3/5 Varsity tournaments)
All officials are responsible for paying the Assignment Secretary the “assignment fees” for each season.
The current fees for assignments are 5% of total match fees earned each season.
The Assignment Secretary will invoice each official total amounts owed each season.
Varsity Tournament:
JV tournament:
FROSH tournament:
For High School Tournaments:
Rates are set by the Board of Directors of the SDFVOA. Member schools should begin processing payment within one week of the contest. If payment is not sent out within 30 days of the contest, there will be a $20 late fee.
*Regular match fees are paid to each official if the tournament format includes “Best 3 out of 5 matches”. ($20 solo fee is also paid if the official works a 3 out of 5 set without a 2nd official).
*Four matches minimum for each Official assigned.
Officials, please Login or Register to access all important information. If you are interested in becoming an official, please check out the rest of the site to learn more about us.
Nothing from December 15, 2024 to December 14, 2025.